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Willie LeClair

Booking Presentations Gallery Media E-Mail

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Wyo. Arts Council
Harry Jackson Museum

State of Wyoming

National Interpretive Trail Center-WY

Indian National Finals Rodeo

Fremont County Info.

Willie's Belief

"People have learned to respect all that makes up the elements of which we are a part-all gifts of the Great Spirit to whom we owe our prayers and thanks."



Lectures Offered

Background of Native activities

History of Wyoming Indians

Pre-Reservation Lifestyles

Indian Government Systems

How Treaties came to be, signed, and changed


Biography and Credentials
More Info Here
Willie LeClair-Indian Rodeo Announcer
More Info Here

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Cheap Computers 

Flute Music by Jeff Ball Award Winning Flute Music


Willie's Interests
Willie is interested in promoting a better understanding of Native American's traditions and historic lifestyle.

Presentations Offered


Native American Sign Language

Performance with traditional songs and hand drums

Demonstra-tions of various styles of dances


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